International Courier Company Alexpress
Courier company Alexpress fills in your specific transport needs.
Our company has been founded with the vision that things can be done differently. Our many years of experience in logistics learned that the traditional carriers quit at the moment transport needs don’t fit within tight frameworks, for specific transport needs are no solutions.
The renewed concept of Alexpress however, does offer those solutions.
Solutions for (in a lot of companies appearing) different transport needs, which don’t fit within existing contracts and agreements with often large carriers
Solutions for companies which have no contracts with “large” carriers because they have “few” transport to offer.

Special Whishes?
Choose Alexpress
How often doesn't it occur that you want to send something that requires a special treatment or attention?
Delivering further than the first door on the first floor?
Deliver to a certain person?
Vulnerable, fragile or uncovered goods?
Due to our way of working we can fulfil your needs.
The driver who picks up your parcel or consignment, delivers it personally at the destination.
This way we prevent communication errors, transhipment problems etc, and you are insured your consignment gets the attention you expect.

Working 9 to 6?
Not at Alexpress
We live in a 24-hour society.
Companies continue working day and night.
or this reason Alexpress believes that transport doesn’t have to be limited up to office hours
You can contact us and we are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week!
It’s already 17.00 hrs and tomorrow morning before 08.00 hrs a consignment should have been delivered at Marseille?
It is Sunday and that machine part has to be mounted in a machine on Monday morning at Milan?
How do you get those important documents for being signed before midnight at Amsterdam?
Call Alexpress and your consignment will be at the destination on the agreed time!
Kampstraat 70
6163 HG Geleen
0031 (0) 46-4752384
info at alexpress dot nl